Wargame: Red Dragon

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Wargame: Red Dragon

Post by 1234fireball »

Favorite Factions, compositions, or style of decks!

A lot of my go to has to be balanced around either cheap infantry and good tanks or good infantry and cheap tanks that have high enough Armor Piercing in order to actually do something against heavy to super heavy tanks even if a ratio is 4:1.

Other thing is favorite faction for me is either Yugoslavia for REDFOR and Japan for BLUFOR, both have a good balance of cheap effective infantry to their decent selection of tanks. Yugoslavia also has the M-84 Recon Tank which is just amazing :D but it does lack in some spots like air and artillery that's cheap enough to be worth risking.

I'll edit this later to include some of my decks.
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Re: Wargame: Red Dragon

Post by Flameoguy »

Me playing a Danish '85 support deck that uses 2 cards of krautmowers for anti-infantry :lol:
Wargame HeathJoker.png
Wargame HeathJoker.png (448.18 KiB) Viewed 4887 times
Here's the deck:
logi bros.png
logi bros.png (1.1 MiB) Viewed 4887 times
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